Please click on images for full size picture of each quilt . Hanging details, sizes and prices are listed.
Spirals This quilt came about as an expression of my ongoing fascination with spirals, a primecval expression of life and growth. An infinity that I had to express in form, it took me over and this is the result. Loops to hand w84cm x h 87cm £275 GBP Integration A mixture of tone and colour which my passions. A traditional flying geese design flowing through a range of pinks blues and purples. made from batik cotton and shot cotton. Sleeve to hang. w124cm x h 80cm £275 GBP
Turtles inspired by the amazing energies of Big Island Hawaii. I was very excited to find they have quilting stores there too. The rich waters that surround the island are a magical world that flow around the power fire of Pele. Loops to hang w180cm h 93cm £250 GBP The Gateway Exploring movement and curves the materials led me into this piece with added detail of hand sewn gold embroidery. The Dragonfly represents the many levels of the world. Influences by Indian embroidery. Loops to hang. w 90cm x h 44cm £80
The Dance I love the sense of movement in these designs, it comes from a carved wooden ceiling in Alcazar, Seville but I thought it would translate into material and be seen in a different plane. Framed. w 35cm x h 51cm £200 GBP Illumination I love the fact that formal geometric designs can be created by arcs connecting to a larger flowing pathway. This gives the piece structure but leads to endless ongoing movement on various levels. Framed w50cm h 76.5cm £325 GBP